- The AIQ product team
AIQ updates for November 5th, 2024
Product updates to be released November 5th, 2024.
New Features 
Kiosk Timer 
We’ve added a setting to give stores greater control over kiosk session timing:
Kiosk Timer: Set the initial inactivity period before the timeout modal appears. This field defaults to the previous 45-second limit but can now be adjusted to your preference.
Timeout Modal: Configure how long the timeout modal remains visible before ending the customer’s session. This defaults to 15 seconds, allowing you to customize the display duration to maintain the right balance of customer experience and kiosk availability.
To access these new options, go to Store Settings > Kiosk.
Date Picker 
We’ve updated the functionality and placement of the date picker.
Date Picker Relocation: The date picker has been moved out of the main navigation bar and now appears directly on relevant pages. This change affects:
Order Dashboard: Quickly access and adjust dates directly within your order view.
Day Settings: Easily set menu notes or disable ordering for specific days with more intuitive access to date controls.
Time Slots: Select time slots with on-page date selection for a smoother scheduling experience.
Terpli Kiosk Support 
We’re excited to announce that AIQ-powered kiosks now support the Terpli recommendation widget, allowing for an enhanced, customer-focused experience:
Terpli Widget Integration: You can now enable Terpli’s recommendation widget to appear on your AIQ kiosks. This feature allows customers to receive personalized product recommendations directly at the kiosk.
Session Timeout Prevention: When customers open the Terpli widget, the kiosk will remain active without timing out, providing a seamless browsing and recommendation experience.
If you’re a Terpli user or interested in adding this feature, contact the Terpli team to get started. Transform your kiosk into an interactive recommendation hub with Terpli!
POSaBIT Product Grouping on Menus 
Enhanced Grouping Support: Products pulled from POSaBIT will now appear grouped in AIQ Ecom if they are grouped in POSaBIT. This seamless synchronization allows for more efficient menu management, reflecting your POSaBIT structure directly in AIQ.
Streamlined Product Names: To maintain clean and consistent naming, we’ve introduced an automatic adjustment to grouped products. If a product’s weight (e.g., 3.5 grams) is already provided by POSaBIT, we’ll remove it from the product name when displayed in AIQ Ecom. For instance, “Sour Diesel - 3.5 gram” will appear simply as “Sour Diesel” if grouped, keeping names concise and easy to navigate.
[Marketing] 10DLC Brand Nicknames: 10DLC-approved accounts with multiple brands can now utilize Brand Nickname as a macro to interchange appropriate brand names within the 10DLC campaigns. For more information, see our documentation.
Company Account Settings > Retail Stores > Create or Edit store
[Ecom] Delivery Address: We will now break down the delivery address at checkout and have added an additional field for apartment/suite numbers. This helps with customer confusion when scheduling a delivery or shipping order to an apartment building.
[Ecom] Dutchie POS Integration: We’ve optimized weight display for infused products by converting grams to milligrams for edibles, beverages, topicals, and tinctures. This adjustment means that weights like 0.1g now appear as 100mg, reducing potential customer confusion when browsing these categories.
[Ecom] Alleaves POS Integration: We now pull weight data directly from the items endpoint, reflecting the values assigned by stores based on BioTrack data. This ensures more accurate weight representation in AIQ Ecom, aligned with store specifications in Alleaves.
[Ecom] Auto Print Enhancements: For stores using CloudPRNT with AIQ Ecom, we’ve improved print readability by enabling product names over 40 characters to wrap to a new line, ensuring clear and consistent receipt presentation.
[Ecom] Flowhub Integration: To reduce errors in purchase category selection, we’ve replaced the text input with a dropdown menu. This change streamlines category selection, helping stores minimize entry mistakes and improve order accuracy.
[Ecom] Blueprint API Improvements: Our Blueprint API now includes the flowerEquivalentInGrams value to support purchase limit calculations. We’ve also reintroduced some deprecated fields for product-level discounts to accommodate stores that still rely on this information.
[Ecom] Checkout: At checkout, the form fields will be scrollable while leaving the right side fixed.
Bug Fixes 
Google Analytics: Resolved an issue where the data we were sending to GA4 was inflating the quantities sold.
POS Totals Sync: Resolved an issue where totals were not consistently syncing from the POS system for some users when enabled.
Sale Price Display: Corrected a display bug in the Order Again and Cart Upsell sections, ensuring sale prices now reflect accurately.
Bulk Update with Filters: Fixed a problem that caused bulk updates to fail when filters were applied. Bulk updating with filters should now work seamlessly.
Delivery Fee Calculation: Addressed an issue preventing the delivery fee from surpassing the item total, allowing for accurate fee application.
Auto Print on Meadow POS: Fixed an auto-print bug that caused receipts to print every 10 minutes for Meadow POS customers when auto-printing was enabled on confirmed orders.
Email Preview Text: Removed a confusing “AIQ” text display in the email preview, which was previously showing due to an alt name on the logo. Email previews will now appear more polished for customer clarity.