The AIQ product team

AIQ updates for July 23rd, 2024

AUTHOR: The AIQ product team

Checkout: Show/Hide fields

We have added more customizability to decide what fields show at checkout.

In addition to the previous settings, you can now show or hide the following fields at online checkout:

  • Date of Birth

  • State of Residence

  • Driver's License (currently shows for ALL delivery orders, now can enable/disable for delivery orders only)

You can now show or hide the following fields at Kiosk checkout:

  • Date of Birth

  • State of Residence

UI Improvements

Design Changes

You'll start to see some UI updates as we further combine our brands, including: a more blue-purple ('indigo' if you will), in-app font changes, and more.

Dashboard tab: Where'd it go?

We have gotten rid of the Dashboard tab, but what about the info that I need that was on there?

  • Per existing functionality, you can see your pending and total order values on the Orders tab.

  • Time Slot availability can now be found in your Day Settings (the gear icon in the header) > Pickup/Delivery times, as seen in the screenshot below:

Aeropay/Treez 3-way integration

We have worked with the Treez and Aeropay teams to build out a new three way integration! When a store has both TreezPOS and Aeropay enabled, AIQ will now handle the preauthorization when the order is placed and we will send this data to Treez when we create the order. This will show up in TreezPOS as AUTHORIZED in the fulfillment section. When the order is completed in Treez, they will take care of the final capture amount.

Stores with both Aeropay and Treez have automatically been configured to take advantage of this new work flow. In the Aeropay integration window, you will see that the option to have AIQ ecom capture the payment has been disabled, this is because this step will now be handled by Treez.

Aeropay Service Fee

  • You can now allow for service fees to get added to Aeropay transactions. This includes a percentage (%) or flat fee ($).

Bug Fixes

  • We have fixed an issue where customers in the PST timezone were not able to create an additional time slot.

  • Fixed a bug where Treez users were seeing an incorrect flower equivalence for infused liquids in the Michigan market.

  • Previously our cart, checkout and confirmation pages all used the same meta description from the home page which displeased Google. We have updated the meta description on all three of these pages to ensure there is no duplicate meta data present.

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