The AIQ product team

AIQ updates for July 22, 2021

AUTHOR: The AIQ product team

Tabbed Layout When Editing Products

We've designed a cleaner, more organized way for you to edit cannabis products in Dispense. When you select a specific product, you will see four different tabs (Details, Pricing, Labs, and Advanced) with the same information as before.

Options for Quantity Thresholds and Quantity Max

To help you eliminate overselling, we've added a Quantity Threshold option for products in Dispense. You can set a threshold for an item, and once that number is reached, inventory will be turned off, and your customers will not be able to buy it.

There is also a Max Per Customer option that limits your customers to a certain number of products per purchase.

In both cases, you can set a Bulk Update to make it quicker to update products.

Separation of Grouped Products in Dispense

If you sell products that are sold in multiple weights, we no longer display them as grouped together on the Dispense dashboard. Instead, they are split and listed individually (though still part of a group).

For example, if you sell the product Gg#4 for 1g and 3.5g, the two products will display separately on the backend. Edits made to grouped items, however, will update all other items in that group.

As customers browse your online store, products will still be grouped, meaning if they click through to the Gg#4 page, they will be able to pick their desired weight from the drop-down menu and add it to their cart.

Custom Ordering of Product Categories

We've given you the ability to control the order in which your category icons appear on your widget. Simply click to drag and rearrange the built-in categories in Dispense, and the changes will reflect on your online storefront.

On the Dispense dashboard

On your storefront

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