The AIQ product team

AIQ updates for January 28th, 2024

AUTHOR: The AIQ product team


Experience our fully overhauled customer chat! Chat can now be accessed from the bottom right side of the menu. Alongside the existing human-monitored chat, we've added automated support responses and product recommendations. Tailor your chat experience by accessing the chat settings, allowing you to activate only the features that suit your preferences.

Automated product recommendations: Customers can get personalized recommendations by answering questions such as category, desired feeling, price, and potency. Moreover, stores have the flexibility to prioritize up to 5 brands within their chat settings, providing these brands with a subtle boost in their match scores to ensure they are highlighted first.

Automated support responses: Streamlining customer service by instantly addressing common customer inquiries such as order cancellations, order edits, store hours, and address information.

Human-monitored chat: When customers type a message, their messages will be routed to the chat dashboard like normal for a dispensary staff member to respond.


Online: We've redesigned our payment workflow to boost prepay adoption (for those stores who use it). Customers who chose not to prepay at checkout will see a call to action to “Pay now with bank” on both the order confirmation page and the order email.

Kiosk: Payment settings are now available for kiosks. If you enable a prepay option at kiosks, customers will see a QR code on the confirmation screen that they can scan to complete the ACH payment process.

Walk-up: Unpaid orders, including walk-up requests, will now feature a QR code on the Dispense orders dashboard for customers to scan and complete the prepayment process.

Public API

Dispense has made several improvements to our public API offerings. See our API Docs for full documentation. These will be updated after our release!

  • Reviews Endpoint /2023-03/reviews

    • Utilize this endpoint to seamlessly extract all reviews for your organization, or enhance specificity by incorporating a venueId to precisely filter results for a particular store.

  • Products Endpoint /2023-03/products

    • Leverage this endpoint to retrieve comprehensive product and related data for an entire organization. Enhance your data precision by applying our diverse range of filters, allowing you to refine results based on stores, in-stock status, and enabled products.

  • Updated Documentation

    • We've revamped our documentation to make sure everything is well-explained, and we've documented all possible values for your convenience.

  • We've incorporated pagination details into all relevant endpoints, encompassing essential information such as counts, page counts, skips, and limits.

  • Added store hours to the venues endpoint. /2023-03/venues

  • Dispense has elevated the overall API security by refining API key permissions. Now, you have the capability to restrict API key usage to a specific IP address and associate an API key exclusively with a designated store.

  • Implemented standard default and max limits across all endpoints. Default and max limits are now set to 100.


Alongside our reviews endpoint, we've implemented enhancements to our web-app reviews UI. Users can filter reviews based on the product's brand and category. You will also have the ability to export a .csv of the reviews. The csv will include the customer, product, review, category, brand and status. We have more updates in the works too!

Order flow updates

We've reorganized our order status buttons, so as new orders enter Dispense, you have the flexibility to either check them in or directly mark them as ready for pickup. No longer are you obligated to check the customer in before notifying them that their order is ready for pickup.

Bug Fixes

  • We've successfully addressed an issue that stores encountered when attempting to update the cannabis type for items linked to scheduled offers. The problem has now been resolved.

  • We've resolved issues leading to broken URLs caused by special characters or lowercase letters in brand names. The problem has been fixed for a smoother user experience.

  • Sub-categories featuring special characters will now be properly filtered for enhanced organization and accessibility.

  • Previously, BLAZE terpenes defaulted to milligrams (mg). Following guidance from the BLAZE team, we have now transitioned this to a percentage unit of measurement.

  • We've implemented logic on our end to align with the brand format from Flowhub Maui. This ensures that brand capitalization in Dispense mirrors the format established in Maui for a seamless and consistent experience.

  • When customers applied a filter after utilizing our sort option, the sorting feature would be inadvertently removed. We've now addressed this issue to ensure that the selected sort order remains intact even after applying filters.

  • When sorting by weights, the products will now be sorted based on their weight in grams.

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