The AIQ product team

AIQ updates for August 30th, 2023

AUTHOR: The AIQ product team

Organization-level chat

Organizations with more than 1 store can now see all incoming chats in a single view.

Low Stock Indicator

If inventory drops below 10, consumers will see a message on the product details page e.g. "Only 5 left".

Custom category hero image

On the category page (e.g. Pre Rolls), you can now add your own hero image. You can use this for both default categories and your own custom categories.

Some small updates

  • Dutchie POS:

    • Added the ability to use an infinite number of rooms

    • Have changed orderMethod based on how the order is placed. We will now send the order as Web, Kiosk or In-Store.

  • Alleaves: Both Alleaves and Dispense were holding available inventory which resulted in twice the amount of inventory not being available in Dispense. We will now mark the orders as fulfilled which will release Dispense's inventory hold. You will see this toggled on in the order management slide out.

  • Banners: We now only require a single banner to be uploaded and will automatically adjust the size for different break points.

  • Chat: Since adding the language "Reply STOP to opt-out" to our chat messages, dispensaries now get a ton of chats that just say 'STOP'. We now filter and close 'STOP' messages from chat.

  • Flowhub: We are now pulling terpenes from Flowhub Maui.

  • Terpenes: We've added mg/g as a UOM for terpenes. Right now we will only map this automatically for Flowhub Maui, but we will support this for other POS in a near future update.

Bug Fixes

  • Chat: We have fixed issue where non-logged-in customers were receiving errors trying to use the chat.

  • Flowhub: We have fixed an issue where Delivery orders being sent to Flowhub were missing the street number.

  • Reviews: We have fixed an issue where effects were not showing in product reviews on the menu.

  • Some customers received a persistent duplicate entry error when attempting to place an order, we have corrected this.

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